The FHR, based in Johannesburg, is a non-profit organisation established in 1996, working to protect and promote human rights and the values and commitments enshrined in South Africa’s Constitution. This includes solidarity with formations struggling for human rights realisation in Southern Africa and beyond.

The FHR, based in Johannesburg, is a non-profit organisation established in 1996, working to protect and promote human rights and the values and commitments enshrined in South Africa’s Constitution. This includes solidarity with formations struggling for human rights realisation in Southern Africa and beyond.

South Africa’s Constitution states that everyone living in the country is entitled to their rights being protected without discrimination on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, age, language, religion, political views, national or social origin, sexual orientation, or disability.

Our vision is a just society for all. Our mission is to partner with civil society formations in marginalised communities and with institutions who support our vision of a just society for all, in order to sustain the struggle for and realisation of constitutional and human rights, holding duty bearers and rights violators to account.

FHR is both intermediary grant-maker and an implementer of targeted human rights programmes that strengthen rights awareness, including conducting research, policy development, advocacy and litigation.